Title Partner of WorldFood Poland – KSM-66 Ashwagandha
We are pleased to announce our partnership with our title Partner KSM-66 Ashwagandha, by Ixoreal Biomed. KSM-66 Ashwagandha, by Ixoreal Biomed, is a branded, full-spectrum root-only extract with the highest concentration of bioactive available on the market today. It is created via an aqueous-based, Green-Chemistry process, using no alcohol or chemical solvent. Now in about 1500 products, it is the bestselling Ashwagandha on the world market. Extensive clinical evidence via 24 published studies shows KSM-66 effectively reduces stress, anxiety, improves natural testosterone, endurance, muscle strength, attention, focus and sleep. Ixoreal owns the entire supply chain from farms to production to distribution and has the highest number of quality certifications (41) including that of GMP’s (USP, NSF, UL, WHO), FSVP-FSMA, BRC, SQF, FSSC, 100% Organic, Non-GMO, Halal, For Life, BSCG drug free etc.
Visit the Partner’s stand during the exhibition on April 18-20 at EXPO XXI in Warsaw!